Saturday, February 18, 2012

Dallas at night

We put the kids to bed and I kissed my husband bye-bye.  My friend, Marcus ( and I went to do some night-time shots.  It was the beginning of my Signs Project (much more to come....this is just the idea) and Marcus wanted to experiment with timed shutter release.  

Now this IS Dallas, so you don't want to go out by yourself with expensive equipment, so it's always nice to have a little muscle, no matter how little that muscle may be.  My muscle happened to be a MAGlite flashlight that weighs a few pounds and Marcus.  His muscle was me.  I think I got the better deal as my flight response works much better than my fight response but don't tell him that.

This sign inspired my Signs project idea.  Stay tuned.

So as I said, we went out night shooting.  I captured a neat shot of a DART bus turning the corner of Haskell and 75.  It's a ghostly DART bus...(insert ghostly sounds here oooooooo-ooo). 
6sec shutter speed/ISO 100/33.0 mm 

I need to work on my noise reduction (noise is the graininess of the picture).  So after fun shutter release experiments we went downtown to find interesting things.  We happened upon the Omni Hotel.  If you've watched the news in Dallas lately, you'll know it is being criticized for it's corner rooms that leaves little to the imagination.  You can see naked peeps if they leave their blinds open.  We did not see anything remotely naked...I repeat did not see.  Not that we were looking.....  The hotel has some really cool light shows which are better suited for video but you get the idea. 

Far left lights would be the "offending" rooms
.6sec shutter/ISO 200/18.0 mm

I love the lines of the Dallas Convention Center.  Such a pretty architectural design.

So as I sign off for today.  I say thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.  I also send my love and best wishes to my family in Houston today.  We lost my aunt Diane Gaskill to cancer and today, they celebrate her life.  

Love - Jill

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